Thursday, May 27, 2010

Liberalism demolished in one blow

Never mind the bad effects liberalism has on incentives and wealth creation. Here's the worst of it. Liberalism depends on the wisdom and benevolence of politicians and bureaucrats to decide who gets what, and how much. When you are through laughing, we can go on.

There are two kinds of government employees--those whose services would be useful in a laissez-faire society, such as police, firefighters, garbage collectors, teachers, clerks, librarians, park rangers, judges, and levee engineers; and those who do nothing but keep the machinery of government running, whose services would be totally worthless in a laissez-faire society, such as congresspersons, presidents and vice-presidents, rule makers, tax collectors, and the people who decide how much of the public purse to devote to "housing for the poor," for whose services no one would pay voluntarily.

1 comment:

  1. Gary, you touched up the concept in "Paid not to work." Review: people are less inclined to work, or seek work, if they get unemployment funds.
    So that idea applied to when you write that liberalism takes away wealth creation and incentives...
    Is, if I understand correctly, more government mean less room for private businesses to exist to create products and revenue?
